In game commands. These commands can all be used in chat using / as a prefix. There are all types of admin commands and we'll do our best to keep this list updated. If we've missed anything please feel free to fill in the blanks.
By design you're not the admin of your own server. You're the owner, the owner has the ability to control all ranks but lacks basic commands. This was intentional as the team feels having the ability to do everything right out of the gate ruins the experience of survival in general. If you'd like to become a server admin you'll need to change your rank from 3 to 2.
This is done in the serverusers.txt.
//Above the user is in the Owner rank(3) If they wanted Admin commands they would
//need to be in the Admin rank(2) as shown below.
In Game Commands[ | ]
Command | Information | Example | Notes |
/DeleteAll | Deletes everything from your inventory | /DeleteAll | There's no undoing this so be careful. |
/DeleteAll "user" | Deletes everything from a users inventory | /DeleteAll JB | User names are case sensitive. This example would delete user JB's inventory. |
/Spawn | Spawns a chosen AI entity where your looking. | /Spawn Zombie 10 | You can also spawn a quantity for 10 zombies you would enter - /Spawn Zombie 10. |
/Kill | Kills AI in a radius | /Kill 100 | This is useful for killing loads of zeds quickly. The 100 in the example is the radius in meters. |
/Time | Sets the time in the server based on a 24 hour clock. | /Time 16 | You can also use commands like /Time day or /Time night. |
/Month | Sets the month on the server based on the 12 months of the calendar. | /Month 9 | Changing seasons will change foliage and tree materials. |
/Weather | Sets the weather on the server. | /Weather clear | You can also use numbers 0-6 (clear, light rain, heavy rain, storm, light snow, heavy snow, snow storm). |
/Weather Off | Turns the weather off. | /Weather off | Use /Weather on to restore dynamic weather. |
/Tp "coordinates" | Teleports the player to a map location (x,y,z). | /Tp 25, 25, 25 | This is useful for checking out unknown locations on the map or areas with coordinates. |
/Tp "user" | Teleports players to each other. | /Tp me JB | User names are case sensitive. The example here you to the player 'JB' if you wanted to port JB to yourself you would use /tp JB me. |
/Tp "preset" | Teleports the player to a preset | /Tp me Oldtown | The example shows a player teleporting to a preset he has created called 'Oldtown'. |
/Tppreset | This is useful for setting presets like the one mentioned above. | /tppreset add Oldtown | This would add the teleport of your exact current location and name it 'Oldtown'. |
/God | Sets the player into god mode. The player receives no damage. | /God | In god mode all AI even zombies will completely ignore you. |
/Invincible | Sets the player invincible. You take no damage. | /Invincible | In invincible mode AI will attack you however they can not cause damage. |
/Give | Gives the player items. | /Give 1001 | The example would give the player one ARG rifle itemID 1001. You can also set quantities /Give 1001 10 would give the player 10 ARG rifles. |
/Give "user" | Gives another player items. | /Give JB 1001 | The example would give user JB one ARG rifle. You can also set quantities /Give JB 1001 10 would give user JB 10 ARG rifles. |
/Mute "user" | Mutes a player from text chat. | /Mute JB | This mutes the user JB. |
/UnMute "user" | Un-mutes a player from text chat. | /UnMute JB | This un-mutes the user JB..shame. |
/Kick "user" | Kicks a user from the server. | /Kick JB | This kicks the user JB. :) |
/Ban | Bans a user from the server. | /Ban JB | This bans the user JB. |
/UnBan | Un-bans a user from the server. | /Unban JB | This un-bans the user JB. |
/Add | Adds to a players stats. | /Add hydration 100 | This example would add 100 to the players hydration. Arguments include - Hydration(0-100), Calories(0-2000), Stamina(0-100), OverallHealth(0-10) and MentalHealth (-10-3). |
/Add "user" | Adds to another players stats. | /Add hydration 100 JB | This example would add 100 hydration to the user JB. Arguments above are also accepted. |
/KillPlayer "user" | Kills a the selected player | /KillPlayer JB | Kills the user JB. :) |
/SetRank "user" | Sets another players rank. | /SetRank JB 2 | This example would set the user JB to rank 2 (admin). You can only set ranks of players with lower ranks than yours. |
/CleanUp "Radius" | Cleans an radius of all placed and dropped items. | /Cleanup 20 | This example would clean up the surrounding area of all drops for 20 meters. |
/Up | Teleports the player up to the ground. | /Up | This is useful should you fall through a map area. |
/Stuck | Attempts to adjust the players position when they're stuck. | /Stuck | This is useful should you become stuck in a map area or prop. |
/Lookup | Tries to find the item with the name you (partially) typed in and returns an itemID. | /Lookup Ammo | This example would return a list of items named Ammo. You can also use as little as 3 letters. /Lookup Ext would return "2532:0, Drop_ExtensionCord" as it contains the letters "Ext". |
/SpawnAtPosition | Spawns an NPC at a give postion (x,y,z) | /Spawnatposition zombie 25,25,25 | This example would spawn a zombie at world position x25, y25, z,25. |
/TryGive | Tries to find the item you (partially) typed in and then gives you one of each item found. | /Trygive ammo | This example would give you any item that has the word "ammo" in it. |
/Tell | Send a PM to another user. | /Tell JB You Suck! | This example would PM the user JB the message "You Suck!". /MSG and /T work as well. |
/R | Replies to a PM. | /R JB Does suck! | This would respond directly to the user above (or the user who sent you a PM) "JB Does suck!". |
/Stats | Shows the stats overlay. | /Stats | This can no be accomplished by simply pressing the default inspect button (F). |
/SoundTest | Plays a sound. | /Soundtest | Useful for testing your audio and effectiveness of our audio sliders. |
/Day | Changes the day of the server. | /Day 10 | This example would set the day to the 10th of the current month. |
/GiveCat | Gives the player an entire category. | /GiveCat | |
/Mark | Marks a players nametag with a color dot. | /Mark JB Green | This example would mark the user JB's nametag with a green dot. |
/UnMark | Un-marks a players nametag. | /Unmark JB | This example removes the mark from user JB's nametag. |
/DroneCam | Enables a drone like camera . | /Dronecam | Enable drone cam to create videos. More information on DroneCam here. |
/Videomode | Enables and disables video mode. | /Videomode | Video mode enables and disables the UI. |
/Suicide | Kills the player. | /Suicide | Useful if you'd like to start over. |
/PauseTime | Enables or disables time progression. | /Pausetime | Useful for creating videos. |
/DayLength | Sets the day length in seconds. | /Daylength 1440 | This example would set the day length to 1440 seconds. |
/Benchmark | Runs a benchmark test and spits out a text file with results. | /Benchmark 1080p ultra test 1 | This example would run a benchmark test on ultra settings at 1080p. |
/Restart | Starts a vote to restart the server or casts a vote against one that's already happening. | /Restart | You will need the majority of the server to vote for a restart for it to be successful. |
/ServerInfo | Displays server information. | /ServerInfo | Displays information about the current server stats like players online and server region/name. |
/Info | Provides information in AI on the current server. | /Info Zombie | This example would display the current amount of zombies on the server. Arguments include "passive, zombie, chicken, stag" |
/Chat | Disables or enables the chat. | /Chat off | This example would turn text chat off. |
**Do not include quotation marks in your command arguments. The command is /DeleteAll JB to delete all of JB's inventory. It's not /DeleteAll "JB".
"commanHelp": [
"command": "/DropAll",
"help": "Drops everything from your inventory",
"example": "/DropAll",
"permission": 1
"command": "/DropAll",
"help": "Drops everything from another players inventory",
"example": "/DropAll userName",
"permission": 2
"command": "/DeleteAll",
"help": "Deletes everything from inventory.",
"example": "/DeleteAll",
"permission": 3
"command": "/DeleteAll",
"help": "Deletes everything from another players inventory",
"example": "/DeleteAll userName",
"permission": 4
"command": "/Spawn",
"help": "Spawns a chosen AI where your crosshair is pointing",
"example": "/Spawn zombie 1",
"permission": 5
"command": "/Kill",
"help": "Kills AI in a radius",
"example": "/Kill 100",
"permission": 6
"command": "/Time",
"help": "Sets the time in the server based on a 24 hour cycle.",
"example": "/Time 16",
"permission": 7
"command": "/Month",
"help": "Sets the month on the server.",
"example": "/Month 6",
"permission": 8
"command": "/Weather",
"help": "Sets the weather on the server",
"example": "/Weather clear",
"permission": 9
"command": "/Weather",
"help": "Toggles the weather on and off.",
"example": "/Weather off",
"permission": 10
"command": "/TP",
"help": "Teleports you to an X Y Z position in the world.",
"example": "/tp 1 2 3",
"permission": 11
"command": "/TP",
"help": "Teleports yourself to another player.",
"example": "/tp me userName",
"permission": 12
"command": "/TP",
"help": "Teleports one player to another.",
"example": "/tp userName otherUser",
"permission": 14
"command": "/TP",
"help": "Teleports a player to you",
"example": "/tp userName me",
"permission": 13
"command": "/TP",
"help": "Teleport presets",
"example": "/tp me presetName",
"permission": 11
"command": "/TPPreset",
"help": "Helper utility for adding, removing and overwriting tp presets. Accepted arguements are Add, Remove, Update, List etc",
"example": "/tppreset add home",
"permission": 15
"command": "/God",
"help": "Toggles god mode on and off. Zombies will ignore you and you won't see any damage receiving effects.",
"example": "/god",
"permission": 16
"command": "/Invincible",
"help": "Sets youself to invincible however zombies will still attack and you will see damage effects. You will not receive damage.",
"example": "/invincible",
"permission": 16
"command": "/Give",
"help": "Help that allows items to be given to yourself or others. /Give userName(o) itemID qty(o) ",
"example": "/give userName 5500 1",
"permission": 19
"command": "/Mute",
"help": "Mutes a player in the chat.",
"example": "/mute userName",
"permission": 20
"command": "/UnMute",
"help": "Unmutes a player in the chat.",
"example": "/unmute userName",
"permission": 20
"command": "/Kick",
"help": "Kicks a player from the server.",
"example": "/kick userName",
"permission": 21
"command": "/Ban",
"help": "Bans a player from the server.",
"example": "/Ban userName",
"permission": 22
"command": "/UnBan",
"help": "Unban a player from the server.",
"example": "/Unban userName",
"permission": 23
"command": "/Add",
"help": "Adds to your own stats and takes stat name as arguement.",
"example": "/add hydration 100",
"permission": 24
"command": "/Add",
"help": "Adds stats to another player.",
"example": "/Add hydration 100 userName",
"permission": 25
"command": "/KillPlayer",
"help": "Kills another player!",
"example": "/Kill userName",
"permission": 26
"command": "/SetRank",
"help": "Sets another players rank. Note you can only set a player with a lower rank than your own and only to a rank that is also lower than yours. Note: Player must be online.",
"example": "/SetRank userName 2",
"permission": 27
"command": "/CleanUp",
"help": "Allows you to clean up the area of pickups within a given radius",
"example": "/CleanUp 100",
"permission": 28
"command": "/Up",
"help": "Teleports you up to the ground or on to a building above you.",
"example": "/up",
"permission": 29
"command": "/Stuck",
"help": "Attempts to adjust the players position when they're stuck.",
"example": "/stuck",
"permission": 30
"command": "/TryGive",
"help": "Tries to find the item of the name you (partially) typed in and then gives you one of each item found",
"example": "/trygive axe",
"permission": 19
"command": "/LookUp",
"help": "Tries to find the item with the name you (partially) typed in and then returns the itemID",
"example": "/lookup cleaning",
"permission": 19
"command": "/SpawnAtPosition",
"help": "Spawns an NPC at position",
"example": "/spawnatposition zombie 0,0,0",
"permission": 5
"command": "/T",
"help": "PM another user",
"example": "/t user message",
"permission": 0
"command": "/Tell",
"help": "PM another user",
"example": "/tell user message",
"permission": 0
"command": "/MSG",
"help": "PM another user",
"example": "/msg user message",
"permission": 0
"command": "/QualitySetting",
"help": "Shows which quality preset you are using",
"example": "/qualitysetting",
"permission": 0
"command": "/QualitySettingCheck",
"help": "Shows which quality preset you are using - a lower preset or a higher preset",
"example": "/qualitysettingcheck",
"permission": 0
"command": "/Screenshot",
"help": "Creates a screenshot and saves it to the desktop",
"example": "/screenshot",
"permission": 0
"command": "/ScreenshotMode",
"help": "Opens the screenshot mode. Here you can create a screenshot using one of the different modes",
"example": "/screenshotmode",
"permission": 0
"command": "/RollDice",
"help": "Rolls two dice and returns the sum in chat for all users to see",
"example": "/rolldice",
"permission": 0
"command": "/FlipCoin",
"help": "Flips a coin and returns the result (heads/tails) in chat for all users to see",
"example": "/flipcoin",
"permission": 0
"command": "/SoundTest",
"help": "Plays a sound",
"example": "/soundtest",
"permission": 0
"command": "/Stats",
"help": "Shows the stats overlay",
"example": "/stats",
"permission": 0
"command": "/Day",
"help": "Allows you to change the day of the server",
"example": "/day 5",
"permission": 8
"command": "/CheckSnow",
"help": "Returns the amount of snow in the air and on the ground in chat.",
"example": "/checksnow",
"permission": 0
"command": "/Clear",
"help": "Clears the entire chat log",
"example": "/clear",
"permission": 0
"command": "/GiveCat",
"help": "Gives you one of every item in a specific category",
"example": "/givecat 3",
"permission": 19
"command": "/GiveCategory",
"help": "Gives you one of every item in a specific category",
"example": "/givecategory 3",
"permission": 19
"command": "/Mark",
"help": "Marks a player with a colored dot in the player list",
"example": "/mark username red",
"permission": 0
"command": "/UnMark",
"help": "Unmarks a marked player",
"example": "/unmark username",
"permission": 0
"command": "/PauseStreaming",
"help": "Pause streaming",
"example": "/pausestreaming true",
"permission": 0
"command": "/ResetAchievements",
"help": "Unmarks a marked player",
"example": "/resetachievements",
"permission": 0
"command": "/DroneCam",
"help": "Scroll: Fly speed, Ctrl+Scroll: tweak FOV, Z: enable DOF, X+C and scroll: tweak DOF, G: toggle drone cam",
"example": "/dronecam",
"permission": 33
"command": "/VideoMode",
"help": "Enables/disables video mode. Video mode disables UI.",
"example": "/videomode",
"permission": 33
"command": "/PauseTime",
"help": "Enables/disables time progression",
"example": "/pausetime",
"permission": 33
"command": "/DayLength",
"help": "Sets the day length in seconds",
"example": "/daylength 60",
"permission": 7
"command": "/Benchmark",
"help": "Runs a benchmark test and spits out a text file with results",
"example": "/Benchmark 1080p ultra test 1",
"permission": 11
"command": "/restart",
"help": "Starts a vote to restart the server or casts a vote against one that is already happening.",
"example": "/restart",
"permission": 0
"command": "/restartserver",
"help": "Restarts a server after seconds.",
"example": "/restart 60",
"permission": 34